Swift Blasts Title IX
Sports Illustrated seems to shunt its most controversial stories to its website, and if Marcia Frost of collegeandjuniortennis.com had not forwarded an email copy of this article by by E.M. Swift, I doubt I would ever have seen it.
The topic of the unintended consequences of Title IX has shown up in comments on this site, usually when I link to a story about yet another men's tennis team being axed. Swift mentions men's tennis in this piece; but the usual ogre in this drama, football, isn't discussed. I agree that back in the 70's, Title IX was necessary, and now it probably isn't, at least in its current form.
One of the great pleasures I've had in the past three years of covering junior tennis is meeting so many girls who take for granted their lives as athletes. There is no stigma, no self-consciousness, no glass ceilings, thanks in large part to the women who battled all those things in previous generations--with the assistance of Title IX. But as Swift says:
If you believe that being on a team, practicing, learning discipline through sports is beneficial to the development of the individual, as I do, then as a society we are poorer every time a school eliminates any athletic program -- male or female. School administrators don't enforce gender proportionality for chemistry, economics or English-lit classes. Why should they try to engineer gender ratios in sports?
Its not a secret there are serious problems with title IX...why don't they just adjust it? Its ridiculous.
instead of complaining about title 9 all the time SQUEAK why dont you just get better at tennis and earn your scholarship
I think squeak is drew daniel
hm ya dont think drew daniel is going to get much scholarship even without title IX
for whoever just left that comment to squeak... that is absolutely rediculous. he has a point and you have to stab a 16 year old kid in the back for his opinion. get over it. what have you accomplished?
Granted, Squeak complains about Title IX, BUT...at least we know who he is and unlike anonymous....I am most confidant Squeak will earn his scholarship. He's talented, a top ITF player, good student, and a good kid.
Hey mr. anonymous...i all ready earned my tennis scholarship and when I committ I'll let u know how much money I got. Just tell me how its fair that any girl that plays for a tennis team is on a full scholarship? on top of that the depth in mens tennis is so much deeper than womens which makes it even that much harder. I am all for equal rights, but this isnt equal.
Also if your gunna come at me like that dont be anonymous.
squeak aka Drew Daniel
Title IX is a joke these days
go drew... i have lived with drew for 2 years now and for that guy to come out and tell him to train harder is a joke. in case you dont know drew is an EXTREMELY hard worker, and is dedicated to the sport. like i said before if you want to stab at drew then i want to hear who you are so you can share with all of us your accomplishments...
sincerely, GROG....
AKA Kellen Damico
Yeah I don't think a kid in the top10 is gonna have too much a problem getting a schlorship, that was a meritless comment...
just to let everyone know...it is nearly impossible to earn a full scholarship to a major division 1 school, unless you are going to attend an in state school.
it is extremely difficult for a male tennis player to get a full scholarship to a good D-1 school. But different teams do different things, some schools choose to have less players on their roster and those players get more scholarship. Unless you are amazing at tennis, which im sure every junior in the entire world thinks before heading into college, you may not get a full scholarship. And thats ok, its not a bash on your game, more so on the scholarship system. Any team that wants to win a national championship usually doesnt give to many full scholarships (athletic) some can be devided into scholastic and academic. good luck to those who are going to college, you wont get a full to any respectable team, but if you do congrats, and I hope you do well with it.
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